28 Days of Self Love

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Its the month of love and I could not think of a better way to celebrate than with 28 Days of Self Love

You might be wondering what the connection between Style and Self-love is, well, everything.

“Style is not imposed from without but rather generated from within’. - The Imagepreneur

Self-Love is the practice of taking an active role in one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. Last year was a bit of a train wreck for many and self-Love has mostly been the last item on our to-do lists but its the month of Love, and therefore you ‘have to’ practice self-love this month its a thing…

So for the next 28 days, I will be celebrating the ‘Month of Love’ by posting self-love prompts and tips on my Instagram feed on a daily basis, you are welcome to follow along or get involved in whichever way makes you feel inspired and if you know of someone that would benefit from 28 days of self-love share this blog with them.

I have put together a Self-love workbook that you can fill as you follow along on these 28 days and a Daily Self-love Affirmations audio that you can download and use whenever you would like a boost of self-love, they are both absolutely FREE just click on the buttons below to download. xx


Self Love Workbook

Self Love Affirmations Audio