A Personal Stylist guide: Preparing for your Style Transformation, what we do behind the scenes

A Personal Stylist guide: Preparing for your Style Transformation, what we do behind the scenes

Hiring a personal stylist can be a game-changer when it comes to enhancing your personal style and boosting your confidence. However, before embarking on this journey, the Personal Stylist you work with must have a clear understanding of who you are and your style preferences. Here are a few key things we define when embarking on your “Style Intervention.”

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14 Habits of a Successful Woman

14 Habits of a Successful Woman

I am always inspired by a businesswoman with confidence and that contented all-knowing attitude, success seems to come so naturally, but I have realized that they all follow daily success habits that get them to where they want to go.  So after listening to podcasts, reading, and following the journeys of these amazing women, this is what I know:

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Things to consider when hiring a Personal Stylist or Image Consultant

Things to consider when hiring a Personal Stylist or Image Consultant

When you meet the personal stylist to start the whole process does she go through a detailed interview with you before you start with any of the services. As a personal stylist the better you know your client the more capable you are of purchasing the correct items for them.

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Why hire a personal stylist or image consultant

Why hire a personal stylist or image consultant

A personal stylist provides insight on how clothing should be worn for each particular individual's unique measurements, how to wear an outfit and what accessories will complement it, what outfit colour will suit the client and so much more. In general, a personal stylist will combine or translate the latest fashion trends to suit a client's personal taste. 

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